Not sure if you remember me but my friend, Fancy, wrote you last year with her three Christmas wishes. One of those wishes was for me, Ginger, to find a home to call my own. I’m still waiting here at Pets Alive, but it is okay, Santa, cause you did one better and you sent a family for Fancy, who was here for 3,263 days before finding her forever home last week! Right before Fancy left, her and Ms. Becky talked it over and they decided that this year I could be the one to write to you with my three Christmas wishes!
So after a lot of thought, my first wish is for my friend, Jade Too. She is up in Studio 2A in the cattery; the rooms all have names up there, which I think is pretty cool. Like me, Jade Too has been here a long time and she is also an older lady who has a hard time trusting new folks. Ms. Becky tells me that Jade Too and I are like wine and only get better with age. Jade Too realized this year that she enjoys petting and going up and asking for treats is the best way to get an extra treat or two. Why Jade Too didn’t know this already is beyond me. She should take a lesson or two from us down in the dog area because I have to say we are all pretty good at getting extra cookies and treats around here. Jade Too feels safer and more confident when she is with other kitties, so she would do better going home with one of her Studio 2A friends or to a family that already has some kitties who are accepting and willing to show Jade Too the ropes.
My second wish is for Heath, also known as “Oh, what a good boy.” Heath really is a good boy Santa and if you could find him a family where he doesn’t have to share the attention, especially with a cat, that would be great! Heath’s last family wasn’t very nice, and when they moved, they left Heath in their apartment all alone, so he needs some of your Christmas magic to find him a family who understands it will take a little bit for Heath to give his love and heart to them. Heath also wants to tell you he likes some dogs if that makes it any easier to find him a family.
Santa, my third and final wish is for Ms. Becky and Pets Alive. Ms. Becky always puts us first and worries about each and everyone one of us here, and there are a lot of us! She worries about Brewster the pig and Jacob the goat and all his goat friends and will they have enough fresh veggies and hay.
Ms. Becky worries about all of us dogs and cats having full bellies and warm paws. She worries when one of us isn’t feeling well, and we have to go to see the vet and how she will pay the bill. Ms. Becky even worries about pets in our community and tries to help as many as she can to stay with their families because being in a home with a loving family is where she wants to see all pets. So please, Santa, please send Ms. Becky monthly sponsors so maybe just maybe she won’t worry so much. knowing donations will come in each month. And she would also appreciate single donations as well!