LA Pets

An estimated 80% of animals coming into shelters are intact (not fixed).
Where do these pets come from? Breeders and Puppy Mills!
How can we reduce shelter intake humanely (without refusing surrenders, declining stray pickups or abandoning TNR)?
It’s time to shut down those responsible for flooding the country with unaltered pets: Backyard Breeders and Puppy Mills.
Since none of the laws and regulations have proven enforceable, how can they be stopped?
Breeders need to advertise to sell puppies. The regulation we propose is a statewide breeder registry requiring a proper sales tax number and matching identification.
What makes this proposed new law enforceable?
The primary penalties are for the acceptance (Facebook, Craigslist, YouTube, et al.) of advertisements without proper registration.
With breeders notorious for non-compliance and transparency, it is likely few will comply. That’s Ok!
Without registration, there can be no ads. Without ads, there can be no sales. Without sales, there can be no profits, which takes away the primary motive for backyard breeding.
The reduction or elimination of backyard breeders will result in the increase of shelter pet adoption.
Noncompliance, in this case is the desired effect.
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