Breeders, puppy mills and scammers start their “business” with an advertisement.
Puppy ads are entirely unregulated.
Online pet sales or crimes are rarely traceable and violations are almost never prosecuted.
Protection against scammers, bad breeders , puppy mills or just adding more unaltered animals is necessary.
We can prevent those that add to overpopulation while making off with tax free cash.
The solution is a proposed law mandating no website or publication can ACCEPT any pet ads without a thorough registration and corresponding sales tax permit.
It’s a certainty that pet scammers will not comply with this proposed law.
It is also certain that companies like Facebook or Craigslist will be forced to comply or face huge civil fines.
When puppy sellers and
scammers fail to register, provide identification, sales tax numbers, location, proof of health and proper vaccinations they won’t be allowed to advertise.
How many breeders and scammers will comply?
Without a sales tax number and registration there can be no advertisements.
No ads means no sales, no profits and a lot less breeding.
Without ads, profiteers and scammers are severely handicapped and the public is protected.